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紫夕£夏夜 2012-6-22 20:57
hallo.you OK?
santinoviani 2012-5-30 20:41
    i can't still speak in china
santinoviani 2012-5-15 15:47
    many thanks i honor you
kami 2012-5-15 15:38
santinoviani: hey kami  you was the first to reply to my inbox
I look in this forum like a state of being confused with the new guy
if my presence is so disturbing, ...
It's not your fault
the forums There are many arrogant guy

They are a group of children
I am helpless
You can choose to ignore their speech
126134321 2012-5-14 22:00
I  hope  you  can  give  me  some  MODs
126134321 2012-5-14 19:01
Can you speak chinese?
santinoviani 2012-5-12 01:35
O.... ok thank you very much for you're information
i'm so sorry if i disturb you for my message
kami 2012-5-12 01:32
santinoviani: what happened in this forum i can see slide picture on wall sign in ....not as usual...
the forum is new home
So there are a lot of things is not perfect

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