本帖最后由 Tomres_Sie 于 2012-6-11 22:44 编辑
!!!MAKE BACKUP FIRST!!! !!!請先備份!!!
first effects.fxp = the main effects.fxp (where the two effects will merge) 第一 effects.fxp = 主要的 effects.fxp(將合併兩個效果) first effectsPC.txd = the main effectsPC.txd (where two particle will merge) 第一 effectsPC.txd = 主要的 effectsPC.txd(將合併兩個效果)
second effects.fxp = the secondary effects.fxp (where the new effects are taken) 第二 effects.fxp = 次要的 effects.fxp (提取新的效果) second effectsPC.txd = the secondary effectsPC.txd (where the new particles are taken) 第二 effectsPC.txd = 次要的 effectsPC.txd (提取新的效果)
1. Open first effects.fxp using notepad
1.用notepad(記事本)打開第一 effects.fxp
2. Go to the end of the line 2.找到最后一行
3. There should be “FX_PROJECT_DATA_END:“ 3.應該會有“FX_PROJECT_DATA_END:“
4. Make three spaces above that line, and place the cursor in the middle
5. Now, open the second effects.fxp which has the effect that you want to merge with the first one
5.現在,打開第二 effects.fxp 有效果將合併于第一個
6. Find the effects name that you want to merge, example: “fire_med“ 6.找到要合併的效果名稱,例子: “fire_med“
7. After you found it, there should be “FX_SYSTEM_DATA:” about two lines up 7.當你發現,應該有“FX_SYSTEM_DATA:”大約兩行
8. Select it, move the cursor down until you find “TXDNAME: NOTXDSET“. So, you will highlight it from “FX_SYSTEM_DATA:” to “TXDNAME: NOTXDSET“
9. Copy it, then paste on the first effects.fxp (on the middle between 3 line-spaces, at the end of file)
9.複製,然後粘貼在第一 effects.fxp (中間之間3行的空間,在文件的末尾)
10. Then save it. 10.然後將它保存.
11. Open the second effectsPC.txd 12.打開第二 effectsPC.txd
12. Click on the image that you want to merge 13.點擊你要合併的圖像
13. Remember the name of the image (will be used on the first effectsPC.txd) 13.記住圖像的名稱 (將用於第一 effectsPC.txd)
14. Export it (i usually use PNG) 14.導出它 (我通常使用PNG)
Now, 現在,
1. Open the first effectsPC.txd
1.打開第一 effectsPC.txd
2. Click Image > New > 32 BPP
2.點擊圖像 > New(新建) > 32BPP
3. Doubleclick on the new image, check “Alpha is used“ box
3.雙擊的新圖像,檢查“Alpha is used”框
4. Click Import, choose the image that you exported
5. Then rename it just like on the second effectsPC.txd (should be same with the second effectsPC.txd)
5.然後重命名它一樣的第二 effectsPC.txd (應該是同第二 effectsPC.txd)
6. Apply “compressed” if necessary
7. Save TXD 7.保存 TXD
Then just repeat the process for other particles. 然後重複剛才的過程與其他粒子效果(圖像)
Chinese translation by: Tomres_Sie(Stonlay)
中文翻譯:Tomres_Sie(Stonlay) |